Parents are often desperate to shelter their family members from painful experiences. But maybe protection from hardships produced spoilt Christians. Christians who follow Jesus when tangible blessings are up for grabs… but run for their lives when their comfort is threatened.
I’m honoured to share with you these short stories from my family of origin. I pray that these 9 mini lessons can inspire you -as parents – to disciple your family members informally- on a daily basis.
Today’s reflection is on enduring parents.
Discipling by sharing and enduring suffering!
You might wonder what on earth has suffering to do with discipling?
My parents taught me form a very young age that suffering was a privilege not a problem. They repeatedly recited an Arabic song that stated: the signs of the way are correct, welcome hardship welcome- that’s the promise of Jesus to us.
My parents weren’t sadistic. They weren’t predicting some negative future for me. Rather they hoped to prepare us for the reality uttered in the scripture – that those who desire to live in godliness in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
And as dedicated as they were to Jesus, they endured unimaginable hardships.
Due to misunderstandings, betrayal and false accusations, my Parents were forced out of around 7 churches they pastored and relocated to different cities including ministering in 4 different continents- being removed from their family members, homes and their children in the process.
Not to mention that due to his mission for Jesus in Egypt, my dad was put in prison twice – once for almost a year. My mum cried almost daily until dads release.
On many occasions I accompanied mum as we visited dad in prison (which was only allowed once every 40 days). We also visited dad in hospital due to his unexpected sickness during his time in prison.
As a little primary school kid, I could just smell mums agony as she helplessly watched her innocent husband unjustly treated.
Watching my parents’ Suffering irrefutably proved that their faith in Jesus was the real deal. After all, who would choose to suffer for holding to a fake faith?
Suffering as a family was one of the most precious gifts my family offered me.
How are you helping your family members see that Jesus is worth living for in good and hard times?
I hope you are inspired to continue to invest time, prayer and energy in discipling your family members.