Do you have a clear vision for your young adult ministry?
Some people seem to have a capacity to walk into a dated home and envision how a solid renovation could transform an entire house. There’s actually a name for it. It’s called ‘house flipping’ and people with vision can make a truck load of money doing this! If only it were vision alone that could flip a house though, it would be so much easier. But we all know that vision alone is just the beginning. The dividends only transpire after a house-flip vision is practically implemented with the right know-how and tools.
OK, maybe you don’t see yourself as a house flipper, (although I’m sure you would find some cool things to do with the profits), but what if I told you that you can be a YA flipper; a flipper of the current stats that tell us that YAs are leaving the church at alarming rates.
Did you know that in the 2021 Australian census, the demographic of young adults marked the steepest decline in Christianity. In just 5 years (2016-2021), young adults who identified as Christians decreased by 18%, particularly amongst those aged 25-34 years. When we hear these stats we can continue to live in our bubble and pretend like this isn’t happening in our small world or we can own the problem and do all we can to make things different. Alternatively, we could get all sad and discouraged about these stats and see them as a threat or we can see them as a whopping opportunity to roll up our sleeves as YA leaders and make a difference, both for the now and for the generations to come. You, YA leader, have the capacity to essentially FLIP the stats relating to young adults and church in your own ministry and in fact, across the country. If you only committed to flipping one home (your YA ministry), and your YA Pastor/Leader colleague did the same etc etc…eventually, we’d flip the whole street, then the whole suburb, then the whole town. It sort of reminds me of what Jesus’ disciples did! Familiar formula that strangely worked and turned the whole globe upside down.
But just like flipping a home needs a vision and the right tools and know-how, flipping the stats also requires a vision and the right tools and know-how.
As a young adult leader or pastor, you can influence the generations to come
No matter how gifted a house flipper is, at some point they will need experts on the job. They will need to call in a licenced land surveyor, engineer, plumber or electrician. We all know that it is impossible for one person to possess all the skills, expertise and qualifications required for every aspect of that project. In fact, dabbling in what we are not experts in often leads to waste, only for us to eventually throw our hands up in the air and resort to an expert, after all.
We at GenJ would love to be your expert call-ins. Our expertise at GenJ is to equip YA ministries to multiply disciplers who multiply disciplers.
The Church has a discipleship problem
Mike Breen, a discipleship movement expert, says that the church doesn’t have a missional problem or a leadership problem, it has a discipleship problem. We at GenJ have discovered a solution to this problem and we’d love to share it with you. Our unique research-based educational and theological tools and know-how are all you need to help you establish a discipling culture in your ministry and to practically equip your young adults on how to live like Jesus and help others live like Jesus, thereby multiplying Jesus-like disciplers. We help you help your young adults to be a certain type of people because when push comes to shove, we don’t multiply what we know, we multiply who we are.
If you have a vision for your YA Ministry that sounds anything like the following, we are here to serve you:
- “I desire to see young adults live whole heartedly for Jesus”
- “I desire to see young adults live holy lives and become more and more like Jesus”
- “I desire to equip young adults to multiply disciples and disciplers”
We can help you equip and multiply young adult disciplers
At GenJ, our services are all FREE. Being Pastors for over 20 years and working alongside YA ministries has taught us that YAs are not receiving a large slice of the budget pie so we use a unique philanthropic business model to make our investment into you and your ministry possible!
Vision plus passion don’t flip a house. Vision AND know-how do! Vision plus passion don’t flip the stats. Vision AND know-how do!
If you are tired of just opening your doors to passive consumers, if you really want to develop Jesus-like young adults or if you just don’t know how to take your young adults to the next level, we’d love to chat. Contact us via our website or socials to get the ball rolling on how you can equip and multiply Jesus-like disciplers in your young adult ministry.
Suzie Botross